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Title: Primaphone Gramophone
Condition: 9/10
The feel of the old classics being played on the beautifully crafted gramophone players cannot be remotely compared to the modern players of today. This fact cannot be denied by all those who have enjoyed listening to the then famous Hindi and Pakistani tracks which were played out loud on the gramophones owned by our fathers and forefathers. They were a sign of very classy and rich interior with the morning glory external horns and the wooden cabinets at the bottom of the players. On offer here is the subcontinent classic Primaphone gramophone with a burgundy morning glory horn which imparts a look which certainly draws the attention of the onlooker. The Primaphone gramophones were greatly sought after back in the day, particularly in the subcontinent; owing to its manufacture and quality. The company has its roots back to 1913 when the Bombay Radio and Phono Agency became retailers of gramophones and the company met with a number of different transformations and amalgamations with different record labels but the gramophones established its reputable status.
For Queries & Details Call: +92 348 6271505
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